Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Makeover Your Face - Chandler Kieschnick

 Original Image:

for this project i used all of the makeover tutorials to create a better looking image.

Created image:


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hair Extract - Chandler Kieschnick

 I got boreddddddd when blogger wasnt working

Modifying Nose - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image: 

to create this i used the pinch tool on the nose to pinch it inward and make it straighter

Created Image:

Skin Tone - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image

For this i used a technique to feather a glow of the solid color of the skin to cover up the different lighter areas

Created Image:

Removing Wrinkles - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image:

To do this i used the clone tool to match the wrinkled areas to nearby areas of smooth skin she has

Created Image:

Eye Makeup - Chandler Kieschnick

Created image:

to do this i took brushes and colored the makeup on using the color style for the layer and then i adjusted the color to make it look for flakey and powdery than like a marker

Original Image

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Changing Hair Color - Chandler Kieschnick

For this i used the quick mas mode to select only certain pieces of the womens hair and then i changed the hue and saturation until i got it to a color i wanted.

Whiten Teeth - Chandler Kieschnick

For this i used the dodge tool to create the whiter affect.

Basic Masking - Chandler Kieschnick

For this project i took a picture of the shark and a picture of cats and cut out the picture of the cat and put it on another separate layer above the shark. i masked the cat to get rid of the background color from the previous picture and then i blended the areas around the cat to take the sharpness of the outline away to create the effect of movement.

original image of cats

original image of shark

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clone Tool - Chandler Kieschnick

Finished Image:

I used the clone tool to draw more turtles

Original image:

Blemish - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image:

To remove the mole i just used the touch up and blemishes tool to remove it.

Finished Image:

Content Aware - Chandler Kieschnick

Original image:

to remove the pole and stump i just used the content aware tool and selected each of them.

Finished image:

Blurs - Chandler Kieschnick

for my first blur i blurred the background of the picture to make it look like the car was in motion

for my second blue i made the entire car except for the front end blurred to emphasize on the shinyness of the car and the fact that it is a classic mustang dream car

for my third blur i blurred everything except the body of the car. even the wheels so that the actual make up and body of the car would stand out more.

Inner You - Chandler Kieschnick

Here is my final product of the inner you. I chose to select a picture of a snowboarder because i love going snowboarding with friends and family.

snowboarder i used as my shadow

me i used as well me

background i used