Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chandler Kieschnick! My Bio

My name is Chandler Kieschnick and i am a junior here at A&M Consolidated High School. I have D lunch and it's pretty awful since i have it with my brother Carson who is a senior here. I have three older brothers although one is a half brother. My brother Carson is 17 and about to turn 18 in September, my brother Taylor is 19 years old and is a student at Sam Houston University, and then finally my half-brother is 33 years old and has two kids; a girl Addy who is 5 and a boy Cannon who is 3 years old. I've lived in the same house my whole life but i went to a lot of cool places this summer. I went to California for my cousins wedding and stayed in Temecula for a week. California is a very interesting place with many people living there. California has some weird laws like mototrcycles can drive in between two cars that are driving side by side if they dont want to wait and stay behind the cars. That means the motorcycles can cut in front of all the cars at a red light or something! Its STUPIDDDD!!! We actually saw a motorcycle run into the side of a car because they did that. Also i went to New Orleans for a National Youth Gathering, which is a church event. I thought that New Orleans was a strange place for a church event but it was still fun to go to. At the National Youth Gathering churches from everywhere came, there were even churches from Alaska and Hawaii. Out of everyone total there were about 25,000 people that attended the youth event. Toward the end of summer i went to visit my grandparents and all of my aunts and uncles a lot. They all live in the houston area and we usually wake up really early to drive to Galveston or Freeport and go fishing. Other than taking trips this summer I pretty much just stayed here and spent time with friends and then school came out of nowhere and ruined that!!