Friday, October 29, 2010

Expressions: Chandler Kieschnick

I liked this project a lot because i could do what i wanted to do and make everything describe me in a way. I like really abnormal and strange things that would go unnoticed to some people and i can sometimes be complete opposites. This was a fun project to just mess around and have fun with. The words that are white i made in the shape of myself because i think these are the things that are most obvious about me and that really shape who i am. The words that are the bigger red text and outline in blue are the attributes that i really like about me and they have the first letter capitalized. and the other smaller red words are just random facts about me that you might not know.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bonus: Chandler Kieschnick

This is my flower in the vase and i used the pen tool to make a stem that goes inside the vase and then i put my flower over it to make it look like the flower was connected to the stem.

Poker Chips- Chandler Kieschnick

I made poker chips for my project and it was fairly simple in the way that i mostly just had  to make circles but when i had to have so many circles on top of each other and only covering so much of one circle it got very challenging. This was a good tutorial because it was very long and really shows you that it takes a lot of work to design realistic things. I made one chip blue to make it stick out more and make the picture look like it has more depth to it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vase: Chandler Kieschnick

The vase was very simple but very useful at the same time because again it gives a more 3D realistic look at attracts the eye and makes things more interesting. It was cool to see how you can make something so simple look so realistic.

Flower: Chandler Kieschnick

The flower project was very helpful and a good learning experience still because its a project that you cant just copy and paste everything. It has to look at least a little realistic and most flowers are not perfectly symetrical so this was really kind of my own creation and i liked the way it turned out.

Snowboarder: Chandler Kieschnick

The Snowboarder assignment was really fun and one of my favorites because you use the combination of all the skills you have learned and turn it into something that could be come a real design. It is a real graphic design that combines every element of design in one. It was challenging but fun at the same time to realize that i was recreating this design myself.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Logo- Chandler Kieschnick

 <-------original logo
The logo above is the logo that I created in illustrator. It was very complex and took a long time yet all of the skills that illustrator has to offer made it possible to create a very similar logo to the original. It is not quite exact but it is very close and it will be great to be able to use the skills that illustrator offers.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Las Vegas - Chandler Kieschnick

For my Las Vegas logo I used the different options of the pen tool and learned how to better use them. Creating this logo was fun and makes you have to combine all the things we have learned into one project and really helps you get the feel of how to use illustrator.