Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Makeover Your Face - Chandler Kieschnick

 Original Image:

for this project i used all of the makeover tutorials to create a better looking image.

Created image:


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hair Extract - Chandler Kieschnick

 I got boreddddddd when blogger wasnt working

Modifying Nose - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image: 

to create this i used the pinch tool on the nose to pinch it inward and make it straighter

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Skin Tone - Chandler Kieschnick

Original Image

For this i used a technique to feather a glow of the solid color of the skin to cover up the different lighter areas

Created Image:

Removing Wrinkles - Chandler Kieschnick

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To do this i used the clone tool to match the wrinkled areas to nearby areas of smooth skin she has

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Eye Makeup - Chandler Kieschnick

Created image:

to do this i took brushes and colored the makeup on using the color style for the layer and then i adjusted the color to make it look for flakey and powdery than like a marker

Original Image

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Changing Hair Color - Chandler Kieschnick

For this i used the quick mas mode to select only certain pieces of the womens hair and then i changed the hue and saturation until i got it to a color i wanted.

Whiten Teeth - Chandler Kieschnick

For this i used the dodge tool to create the whiter affect.

Basic Masking - Chandler Kieschnick

For this project i took a picture of the shark and a picture of cats and cut out the picture of the cat and put it on another separate layer above the shark. i masked the cat to get rid of the background color from the previous picture and then i blended the areas around the cat to take the sharpness of the outline away to create the effect of movement.

original image of cats

original image of shark