Friday, September 10, 2010

Quote- Chandler Kieschnick

To emphasize certain words i made them italicized or changed the color. I made the word everyone italicized to emphasize that everyone is literally everyone in the world and when we say everyone on a daily basis we are usually just talking about everyone we know but if we seriously think about everyone in the world including people we don't know that is a lot more people than we think. Also i italicized and changed the color to the word isn't because it is kind of the punch line of the quote and ties the whole quote together by stating again that somebody has to not be thinking for everyone to think alike.


  1. I would have changed the emphasis, but that's a personal preference. Looks good.

  2. good quote!!!!! i love everything except the color of the guys name but thats no biggy. i love how you did the words going in soo many different ways

  3. Same with Valerie, but still good quote,

  4. I love this quote. It speaks for itself. Because if everyone does think alike no change will happen. Nice job.

  5. I like the quote a lot, I think you did a good job. But the only thing I disagree with is the placement of "alike" because it's hard to catch it with your eye when your focused on the other words that are larger.

  6. I like this quote. Its a little confusing to read when the words intersect. But it makes it look cool nevertheless.
