Friday, September 3, 2010

Elements of Design

 The nike swoosh shows the element of direction. The tail of the logo is in a diagonal motion which is shown to have action and movement. In fact nike's slogan is "Just Do It" which is also a very intense action statement and they are telling everyone to go out and do something that involves movement and action. So they combined the elements of design into their slogan and logo very well.

The Mona Lisa shows the line, size, and shape elements of design. It shows line by having a clear outline made from the woman and on the woman's dress contour lines are shown for the great detail of her dress to make it look like the sleeves are scrunched up a little. Also this picture shows the shape element of design by showing the positive and negative shape. The woman in the painting is the positive shape because she almost looks as if she is 3D and popping out of the background from the picture and then all of the background around her which is less detailed is the negative shape. Lastly size is represented in this painting because the woman is so big and close and drawn to by the eye as compared to her background which looks like it is at a great distance away so it looks much smaller.

The sketches of the boat and the egg both show texture and value. The boat shows texture by the rocks and cliffs around the boat which actually look like they are very rough and rigid. The egg shows texture by abruptly changing the lightness and darkness of the shade of the line to show the crack in the egg. The crack in the egg looks very real and as many people know when you crack an egg you can see the change in texture very easily. Both of these show value by using different shades of the same utensil or "color" by doing this you can make it seem like an object has depth and perspective to it which makes it have value.

The circle of colors shows how you can get to another individual color from other colors and that they all in a way blend together which you can do by mixing blends of white, black, and some color together. The color of something all depends on how much white and black are mixed into it.


  1. Pretty good wth the description and pictures. NIce job.

  2. Wow! You can tell you put a lot of thought and work into these, and your call on the elements in each of the pictures is 'excellent' to me. Great job.

  3. excellant on descriptive and pics

  4. Awesome job chandler i really liked the photos and definitions of the elements

  5. I like your pictures, and the color is great. Well done.

  6. Looks pretty good, pictures and definitions. Thumbs up from me!

  7. Love them (: and you would do the nike sign.

  8. i really like the photos and you explained everything clearly!
